Intelligence gathering and analysis

Project ID: 1503A (1303A, 1403A)
CEBRA Project Leader: Mark Burgman
DA Sponsor: Andrew Cupit
DA Project Leader: Geoff Grossel, Sam Hamilton and Neil Grant
DA Division: Biosecurity Animal
MPI Project Manager: Christine Reed and Haritina Mogosanu
Collaborators: Justin Trefry (Animal Biosecurity), Joshua Li (Technocrat), Shaun Moss (Astro Multimedia)

Intelligence research develops and test tools to assist biosecurity managers to foresee new threats.  These tools include software dedicated to scanning the internet for signals of emerging issues, the fostering of foresight activities to help biosecurity managers to anticipate problems, and social networks analyses to support the timely and efficient dissemination of new information.  Such tools will assist governments and other managers to minimise the threat of future biosecurity incursions.  International Biosecurity Intelligence System (IBIS) is a web search tool that provides real-time intelligence on emerging pests, diseases and pathogens.  The project provides platforms for gathering aquatic and animal disease intelligence.  In 2014-15, the growing user base has precipitated a need to revise the system's architecture.

The next stage of research and development will focus on improved architecture for the IBIS site.  The architecture will be redesigned so that the existing constraints are accounted for, providing the environment necessary to implement the next set of developments and improvements in the user experience.  Once the site architecture is redesigned, the project developer will focus on specific elements including search term site ontological architecture, a new Graphic User Interface, 'groups' or community functionality, improved automated multiple language translation support, a flexible visualisation analysis dashboard, an issues analysis dashboard and improved user documentation.

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